Stage 1 Research
- Site inspection;
- Research of residential zoning;
- Research for flood and fire requirements;
- Re`for and review Certificate 149 for covenants and other restrictions which may effect the land;
- Preperation of survey plan showing contour level in relation to Australian Height Dataum.
Stage 2 Sketch Designs
- Draw sketch designs of floor plans and main elevation;
- Meet and discuss with the client design changes.
Stage 3 Apply Development Application or
Complying Certificate
- Completion of all drawings ready for submission this may include:BASIX Certificate if required;
- Site Plan
- Floor Plans
- Elevations
- Section Details
- Schedule of External finishes
- Cut and Fill plan
- Roof Plan
- Section through driveway
- Stormwater plan prepared by Hydraulic Engineer if required.
- Landscpe plan prepared by Landscaoe Architect if require;
- Site analysis plan and Streetscape plan is required;
- Shadow Diagram for two storey developements;
- Statement of Enviromental Effects;
- Waste Management Report;
Note s
- It is beneficial to organize a pre-lodgement meeting with your Local Council before the submission of the DA to avoid delays for approvals.
Stage 4 Apply for Construction Certificate
- A construction certificate is an approval for building or subdivision works and is obtained after a development application has been approved. A construction certificate can be issued by Council or an accredited certifier and ensures the detailed construction plans and specifications are consistent with the development consent and comply with the Building Code of Australia, relevant Australian Standards and any other relevant Act or Regulation.
Stage 5 Construction and Tender Docunentation
- Provide approved drawings to builder for tender;
- Preperation of building contract to winning tenderer;
- After obtaining a Development Consent and Construction Certificate, and before you commence building works, if Council is not acting as your PCA you will need to advise Council who will be carrying out the compliance inspections on the property. The Development Consent that is issued by Council will have a Notice of Commencement and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority Form attached, which must be completed and returned to Council 7 days prior to the commencement of building work
Occupation Certificate(OC)
An Occupation Certificate is required to be obtained at the completion of building works for all new buildings, additions, and where a change of building use has been approved. The OC can only be issued by your PCA.